Varelse / Værelse

31 August – 2 September 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden

Guided bird and landscape architecture walk and workshops in Frihamnen Göteborg.

Sculpture and sound installation and participatory performance at Skogen, Masthuggsterassen

Varelse / Værelse was an artistic work based on the bird life in Frihamnen, Gothenburg. The word varelse means creature in Swedish and værelse means room in Danish. Varelse – værelse, two words from the same linguistic root. Creatures are completely intertwined with their room and the vegetation there – and as humans take over more and more space, those rooms disappear.

During the final days of Prototype Gothenburg, talks and participatory workshops were held in Frihamnen with a focus on birds, landscape architecture and urban planning. The theme was deepened in a sculpture and sound installation and a participatory performance shown simultaneously on the performing arts platform Skogen at Masthuggsterassen.

31/8 Thursday 13-16 – Guided bird and landscape architecture walk and design workshop in Frihamnen, Omställningslabbet.

31/8 Thursday 17-21 – Sculpture and sound installation, participatory performance and dialogue, performing arts platform SKOGEN.

1/9 Friday 14-20.30 – Sculpture and sound installation, drop in, performing arts platform SKOGEN.

2/9 Saturday at 13-16 – The workshop All species consultation and panel discussion on obstacles and opportunities to show consideration for other species in landscape architecture and urban planning, Omställningslabbet Frihamnen.

2/9 Saturday 17-21 – Sculpture and sound installation, participatory performance and dialogue, performing arts platform SKOGEN.

Varelse / Værelse is part of the Nordic art project The Conference of the Birds, which focuses on the major decline of many birds in recent decades. The project in Gothenburg is supported by Gothenburg City Project Support, the Nordic Culture Fund and Culture Point North.

Image/visual design: Christoph Matt

The title Varelse / Værelse and the title is borrowed from the text Rördrommens rum by Kennet Öhlund.

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