Russia: Weaving Bird Stories – Bird mythology in changing perspectives

Unfortunately, due to the situation with the war in Ukraine this project has been put on hold while we find alternative solutions.

Birds are an integral part of the Russian mythologies. They are also ubiquitous features in the different indigenous mythologies from the Nordic and Russian areas. In this Nest we are gathering artists, storytellers and academics specialising in mythologies from this entire region to explore and exchange bird mythologies and stories across cultures and borders together with a wider online public. We will be looking at how these ancient stories can be applied to a contemporary world and its messages conveyed and retold in a new context.

The nest has two parts:

  • An online seminar available to a worldwide public.
  • A Nest phase where selected artists and storytellers process the material and inspiration from the gathering to produce work for the exhibition.

We will also compile a selection of the stories and imagery/crafts to be exhibited. The symposium will be online in november 2022. The artists will be selected in spring 2022.

The Nest will be curated by Eva Bakkeslett in collaboration with Universities in the Northern region.
The collaboration with Russia and the activities in this Nest is put on hold due to regulations from our funders.